Welcome to the Enclave Security / AuditScripts blogs page! This is our new location for publishing information that we hope will be helpful to the information security community as a whole. Often times we’re asked, where is that resource located, or where can I find more information on that, or have you ever seen this before? Well, rather than us just answering that question for one person and the data goes into the e-mail abiss, this will be the place where we’ll start posting that information and make it available to everyone.

There will be a number of people that will be posting to this space and as time goes on we’ll introduce them all. Everyone brings a unique perspective and we look forward to everyone’s comments.

Most importantly we want to welcome you to the site. Expect quite a few anouncements over the upcoming weeks as we introduce new content and information to the site. We look forward to you being able to use this as a resource that will truly be an aid in your security efforts.