Another baseline an auditor or system administrator might want to consider when assessing their systems is a baseline for the general configuration of the Microsoft Windows Firewall. Many organizations are starting to utilize the built in Microsoft Windows Firewall more and more when protecting even their internal systems. The use of a host based firewall should definitely be on the list of things to consider when evaluating the security of a system.

If the system that you are auditing is using a third party firewall product, then you will need to contact that vendor to see how best to automate collecting data about the firewall’s configuration. However if you are using the built in Windows Firewall, then the following script will help by gathering a baseline of the general configuration settings of the firewall:

$Global = (netsh advfirewall show global)
$Profiles = (netsh advfirewall show allprofiles)

$Global | Out-file firewall_config.txt
$Profiles | Out-file -append firewall_config.txt

It should be noted that this script will only work on systems running PowerShell – but you have probably already noticed that theme in our posts. But also please remember that this will only work on systems running the Windows Advanced Firewall that was released with Windows Vista and later systems. This will not work on the earlier, original firewall built into Windows XP.