Welcome back to our weekly archive of audit checklists! We hope these weekly lists will help you as you build your personalized checklist for auditing your own organizations. We know that sometimes it can be difficult to research each of these topics, so hopefully these lists will help save you some time when you are researching your audit scope.

Last week we tweeted on audit checklists we thought might be useful when auditing a Microsoft SQL Server. There are so many MSSQL servers deployed today that is seems like you can hardly perform an audit without running into one these days. Maybe you audit a full blown instance of a server, or on the other hand maybe you only see SQL Express or the older MSDE installed. But still they seem to multiply like rabbits. So this week we tried to provide you resources to help with those audits. This also begins our month of database checklists. So every day (work day that is – please don’t make us tweet these on the weekends) – we’ll post a new checklist.

If you have other similar checklists that you think are better, let us know, we’ll happily tweet them as well. This is a community effort, why not share?

Audit Checklists for Auditing Microsoft SQL Servers:

Microsoft TechNet Checklist

Microsoft MSDN Checklist

Microsoft MSDN Checklist

TechTarget Checklist

SQLSecurity.com Checklist (Old Link Removed)

We hope everyone will enjoy and use these tools this week. If you have suggestions or ideas for future audit checklists or tools, please let us know, we’d love to hear your feedback.