Welcome back to our weekly archive of audit checklists! We hope these weekly lists will help you as you build your personalized checklist for auditing your own organizations. We know that sometimes it can be difficult to research each of these topics, so hopefully these lists will help save you some time when you are researching your audit scope.

In our last batch of posts we continued our month of database audit checklists with tweets focusing on MySQL database systems. This month we’ve tried to bring you a series of audit checklist for databases that would help you, regardless of the application system that is the scope of your audit. So many of the business systems we audit utilize databases as backend systems to support the application that we often find ourselves in the situation where we need to audit databases as well. I hope these MySQL checklists help (regardless of what Oracle decides to do with MySQL in the near future).

Also, while many of you on Twitter have already noticed this, we have been using a particular Twitter hashtag when posting our tweets. Each of our daily posts can be found using the hashtag #AuditChecklists.

If you have other similar checklists that you think are better, let us know, we’ll happily tweet them as well. This is a community effort, why not share?

Audit Checklists for Auditing MySQL Database Systems:

From Cert-in.org

From NGS Software

From the SANS Institute

From Webmaster2020.com

From MySQL

We hope everyone will enjoy and use these tools this week. If you have suggestions or ideas for future audit checklists or tools, please let us know, we’d love to hear your feedback.