Auditing Windows Permissions with Get-ACL

One of the new Microsoft PowerShell cmdlets that auditors should appreciate is the GET-ACL cmdlet. Now, through native PowerShell commands, an auditor can retrieve a list of all the permissions associated with a given Windows object. The output from this command can be used to create a permissions baseline if someone is trying to alert on permissions changes. Or this command could be used to generate a list of all the permissions associated with a given objects. Through a simple syntax, an auditor can dump a list of all the permissions associated with a given Microsoft Windows object.

The simple syntax to run the command against a file system object would be the following:

Get-Acl c:\tools\ | Format-List

However you can also run this command against a number of different Microsoft Windows objects, including registry keys, Active Directory objects, printers, or anything else with an access control list associated with it. For example, to perform a similar command against a registry hive, the following command would work:

Get-Acl HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows | Format-list

In addition, when using the –AUDIT parameter, an auditor can dump a list of the System Access Control Lists (SACLs) that are associated with an object in order to determine the logging settings configured on an object. The following shows an example of how to perform the command:

get-Acl -audit c:\tools\ | Format-list

Finally Daniel Carrarini has posted an interesting script for dumping access that shows some of the full features of the command. Here is a link to his blog post as well:

Parsing Windows Firewall Rules

In our last post we discussed how to gather general information about the configuration of a Microsoft Windows Firewall, host based firewall configuration. But what most people are really interested in when doing a firewall audit is how the firewall rules themselves are configured.

One of the challenges of auditing a Microsoft Windows Firewall ruleset is how do you parse all the firewall rules that Microsoft automatically creates for you? It is great that Microsoft automatically configures most of the rules – it helps encourage us to actually leave the firewall turned on. But with all those rules, especially the disabled ones, how does an auditor easily parse through the data? And to make matters worse, the output of commands like NETSH is just text – not a PowerShell object. So that makes it even more difficult and time consuming to parse.

So that got us thinking, what if we could convert the output of a NETSH SHOW command for Microsoft Windows Firewall rules into a PowerShell object that we could more easily parse?

So we did a little digging and found out that Jaap Brasser had already created a basic script to do that at ( The following code allows us to take the output from a NETSH command, and convert it to a PowerShell object, so we can more easily parse the ruleset:

$Output = @(netsh advfirewall firewall show rule name=all)

$Object = New-Object -Type PSObject

$Output | Where {$_ -match '^([^:]+):\s*(\S.*)$' } | Foreach -Begin {
$FirstRun = $true
$HashProps = @{}
} -Process {
if (($Matches[1] -eq 'Rule Name') -and (!($FirstRun))) {
New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property $HashProps

$HashProps = @{}
} $HashProps.$($Matches[1]) = $Matches[2]
$FirstRun = $false
} -End {
New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property $HashProps}

Now that the firewall rules are a PowerShell object we can use cmdlets like WHERE-OBJECT and SELECT-OBJECT to filter the information. We can perform ad hoc queries and work with the information however we see fit. Enjoy!